Boarhunt Village Design Statement

Village design statement (VDS) is a term of English rural planning practice. A VDS is a document that describes the distinctive characteristics of the locality, and provides design guidance to influence future development and improve the physical qualities of the area.

Drawing up the VDS provides an opportunity for communities to describe how they feel the physical character of their parish can be enhanced. Rural community councils support local communities in the production of village design statements.

The Boarhunt Village Design Statement was adopted as Supplementary Planning Guidance at the Winchester City Council meeting in February 2002.

If you follow this link, you can download a copy of the current Boarhunt Village Design Statement (Part 1, created in 2002) and this link for Part 2.

A new Village Design Group was established in 2019.  Its purpose is to update the existing Village Design Statement (VDS) and preserve the unique character of the Parish of Boarhunt and its surrounding area.

A key aspect of a VDS is that it is written and researched by the local community, and so represents a community view of how new development should be designed in order to retain a sense of place.

The updated VDS, once approved by the District Planning Authority (Winchester City Council) will become material planning considerations; this means that Winchester City Council must take them into account when determining planning applications.

If you would like to join the VDS group, please contact one of the Parish Councillors or just turn up at the next VDS group meeting.

Details of VDS meetings can be found here